
The 360 Weight-loss Diet


The 360 Weight-loss Diet program is an AZ fat-loss Program based on Balance.

Permanent Fat-loss success – is all about Lifestyle!

Change the Body by changing the character of your Actions, Cognitive Attitudes, and your Behavioral Thinking!

The Think Personal Power Secrets are for everyone; think self-empowerment.


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The 360 Weight-loss Diet


All programs follow the same fundamental philosophy; the Baby-Step philosophy

1st ) Eat-right and eating healthy.

2nd ) Exercise (lifting weights / pumping iron and do cardio),

3rd ), NLPNABC (Neuro Associative Behavioral Conditioning), a new science of Behavioral psychology and Behavioral Cognitive Thinking and other Neuro philosophies, etc.

4th ) We focus on our Common Sense philosophy, and follow it up using our ThinkKiss philosophy, (keep it simple stupid).

What most weight-programs cannot understand or appreciate is wellness, fitness, fat-loss, and cognitive behavior, etc; is not ROCKET science or Quantum physics, and you do not require a University Degree to succeed.

A simple concept founded on facts not fiction, a straightforward belief that spotlights reality first. This 360 philosophy works on the knowledge 21-Days theory of change to create a New Habit.

The 360 21-Day strategy devotes more time to changing your Actions and Thinking or mind-set for 4 powerful Beliefs.

It focuses on the new Science of Behavioral Change and Behavioral Psychology.

Which includes NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming),

NABC (Neuro Associative Behavioral Conditioning),

NAI – (Neuro Associative Imaging),

Plus the Inside-out Philosophy and the Outside-in Philosophy of change.

Fat Reduction requires a 360 mind-set and will-power!

This Program gives you all the tools for success to accomplish your lifestyle goals

The 360 Weight-Loss Diet



The Attitude to beat Fatness & Obesity

The Wisdom of Experience

The Inside-Out vs the Outside-In Philosophies – The NLP Approach

Take Control – the 21-Day Philosophy

What’s the Right Time – Zero Excuses

End the Madness

You’re Genetics

6 Healthy Wellness tips for Parent

Baby Steps

Change can bring happiness

Action creates reaction

How to deal with resistance

Create Achievable Goals

NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming

What is Anchoring?

NABC-Language & Vocabulary Skills

NAI – Neuro Associative Imaging

NAAC – Neuro Associative Audio Conditioning,



Measuring Tape and Fat Calipers

Aerobic Cardio Activities

Muscle Weighs More Than Fat

Why Pumping Iron Works

Pump Our Way to a Beautiful Body

Pumping Iron 101

The Beginners Guide to Pumping-iron and Strength training

Complete Home Exercise Routine

Choosing the Right Exercise-Aerobic or Anaerobic

Exercising for Beginners

Be a True Role Model of Wellness

Calories – Are Calories Equal

Cholesterol and Your Genetics

Eat Often and Eat Healthy Snacks

Eating Out – The Healthy Menu

Eating Right

Fad-Diets and Fad-Products Don’t Work

Find Your Suitable Weight – 3

The Basics of Weight Control

Weight Loss – the Small Picture

What is obesity?

Nutritional Attitude:

Falling Off the Wagon

21-Day Think Fat 2 Fit Credit System

360 Freedom to Plan your meals!

The 360 Freedom and Liberation Phase

Applying the 360 Credit Plan

360 Food and Credit Description Directory

The Author

Think Fat 2 Fit and the 21-Day System incorporates the essentials elements to achieve successful permanent fat –loss and weight control.